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One Metrology Hub for global operations

ZEISS CONNECTED QUALITY - the new software product family for data exchange and process management in metrology.

With the new product family ZEISS CONNECTED QUALITY, ZEISS offers a new metrology hub that closes the gap between application and reporting software solutions actively contributing to centrally managed global quality operations. The new product family is the solution for quick and easy data exchange, centralized quality management and efficient system monitoring. It is a further building block in ZEISS' broad technology portfolio. With this new software, the hardware and software solutions from ZEISS become even more connected: Sending an inspection plan to several systems for execution, quickly checking measuring results in the browser or monitoring all measuring systems in one dashboard from anywhere and anytime – all becomes possible.

Learn more here.

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Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5560353608

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