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Flexibility meets performance: The new ZEISS SPECTRUM family

Launch webinar March 27th, 2025, 9:00-9:30 AM CET and 5:00-5:30 PM CET.

We’re thrilled to invite you to our upcoming launch webinar, where we’ll unveil the latest innovation in our CMM portfolio: ZEISS SPECTRUM family! These cutting-edge CMMs combine high performance with remarkable flexibility, offering a range of sensor options tailored to meet your needs.

Get ready for an in-depth exploration of the technical aspects, key applications, and benefits of this product family. We’ll highlight three outstanding features: the ability to accurately and efficiently measure flexible and delicate parts, a game-changing sensor that expands the available machine measuring volume and optical scanning capabilities with the new ZEISS LineScan One — all integrated into one powerful CMM!

Don’t miss this chance to discover the SPECTRUM family and interact live with our experts. Register now to secure your spot!

You can find more information and register here.

Carl Zeiss AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76
102 54 Stockholm
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5560353608

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